English Grammar: VERBS

English Grammar: VERBS A verb is the action or state of being in a sentence. Verbs can be expressed in different tenses, depending on when the action is being performed. Verb एक शब्द है जिसका प्रयोग कुछ कार्य, भावना या अस्तित्व को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है. यह हमें एक वाक्य में विषय के बारे … Read more

English Grammar: PREPOSITIONS

English Grammar: PREPOSITIONS A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun and the other words of a sentence. They explain relationships of sequence, space, and logic between the object of the sentence and the rest of the sentence. They help us understand order, time connections, and positions. Example: There are a few interesting linguistic facts about preposition. … Read more


English Grammar: USE OF AM/IS /ARE/WAS/WERE/WILL BE/SHALL BE Use of Is, Are, Am – Is, are, am का प्रयोग मुख्य क्रिया ‘be’ के रूप में किया जाता है l इसके तीनों forms इस प्रकार होते हैं-  First Form  Second Form  Third Form  be (is,are,am)  was, were  been इनका प्रयोग तीनो tenses में किया जाता है … Read more

English Grammar: ADVERB

English Grammar: ADVERB An adverb is a word/a set of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It tells when, where, and how an action is performed or indicates the quality or degree of the action. Many adverbs end in –ly but some words which end in –ly (such as friendly) are not adverbs. Many words can be both adverbs and … Read more

English Grammar: ADJECTIVE

English Grammar: ADJECTIVE Adjectives are those words which describe the nouns. There are very few or slight differences between English adjectives and Hindi adjectives. One of the major differences compared to Hindi Adjectives is that English adjectives do not modify themselves for nouns. (किसी भी संज्ञा अथवा उसके शब्द की विशेषता बतलाता है उसे विशेषण … Read more