Lesson – 2 The Missing Whistle

After lunch, Piglet went to see Rabbit.
“Come in !”, Rabbit called.
Piglet tried to go in, but he couldn’t open the door.

Piglet pushed and pushed.
At last, the door opened and he fell inside.
“What a mess !”,
he said, looking around.

The rabbit was searching through a drawer.
“I’ ve lost my whistle, ” he told Piglet. “I had it this
morning but I can’t find it now !”

“I’ll help you look for it,” said Piglet.
So, Piglet looked under the table and
under the stool while Rabbit searched
through the cupboards.

“Brother! I can’t find it anywhere !”,
grumbled Rabbit.
When he turned around he couldn’t find
Piglet, either !

Do you know where Piglet is?

” Where are you ?”, he asked. I’m here !”, said Piglet,
scrambling out of the pile of things
Rabbit had thrown over him.
“I didn’t find the whistle, “he said.

“Well, we’d better tidy up now and
have some tea,” said Rabbit.
He picked everything up and put them
in the cupboard–even Piglet!
Did they find the whistle?

Rabbit fetched a bowl of “Poha” he’d
“That smells nice !”, said Piglet,
climbing out of the cupboard.

The rabbit was eating the “Poha” when he bit on
something hard.
“My whistle !” he cried.
“It was hiding in the ‘Poha’ all the time !”
laughed Piglet.

 The Missing Whistle
The Missing Whistle

Reading Comprehension

Q. 1. Tick() the correct answer:

(i) When Piglet could not open the door, he:
(a) knocked the door
(b) pushed the door (c) kicked the door
(d) went back.

(ii) Piglet went to see the rabbit :
(a) before lunch
(b) before breakfast (c) after lunch
(d) after dinner.

(iii) Rabbit lost his whistle :
(a) at night
(b) in the evening (c) at noon
(d) in the morning.

Ans. (i) (b) pushed the door., (ii) (c) after lunch, (iii) (d) in the morning.

Q.2. Which line in the lesson tells you that Pig-let was lost in the pile of things?
Ans. The following line in the lesson tells us that Piglet was lost in the pile of things: “I’m here. !” said Piglet, scrambling out of the pile of things. Rabbit had thrown over him.

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