Zoo manners Class 5 English Lesson 6

Zoo manners Class 5 English Lesson – 5

Zoo manners Class 5 English Lesson 6

And the Penguins
Strutting around the lake
Can understand
Remarks you make.

Treat them as well
as they do you,
And you will always be welcomed
At the zoo.

I. New words

proud, noble, wise, penguins, strutting, remarks

II. Read and write

Answer these questions:

  1. What should we do when we visit a zoo?
  2. Which animal has a hump?
  3. Which animal thinks he is as wise as we are?
  4. What can these animals do? Complete the sentences. (i) The camel can ……………………………
    (ii) The chimpanzee can …………………………. .
    (iii) The penguins can ……………………………..
  5. Write the message of the poem on your notice board.

III. Say aloud

careful, animals, proud, hump, chimpanzee, penguins, strutting, remarks, treat, always, welcomed

IV. Let’s talk

  1. Have you seen a zoo?
  2. Name the animals you saw in the zoo.
  3. Which animal do you like most? Why?

V. Vocabulary

(A) Fill in the missing words to form names of animals and birds:

l – – – ti – – r
w – – f d – – r
j – c – – l o – –
mo – – – y b – – r

(B) Guess who they are and write their names :

  1. I can’t sing but I can fly.
    I am very colorful.
    Children love me and I love flowers.

I am a …………………..

  1. I can fly. I sit on food and also in dirty places.
    I am a …………………
  2. I have four legs, I have a hard shell.
    I am a ………………..
  3. I am tiny, I live under the ground.
    I like sugar.
    I am an ………………..
  4. I have wings but I am not a butterfly.
    I go buzzing ―buzz‖.

(C) Use these words to complete the following sentences:

(Penguins, treat, wise, struts, zoo, hump)

  1. A lump on the back of animals is ……………
  2. We can see wild animals closely at the …………
  3. ………. can understand your comments.
  4. Chimpanzee thinks he is as ………… as you.
  5. If you ………. the animals well, you will always be
    welcomed by the zoo.
  6. He is very thin but he ………… like a wrestler.

(D) Make meaningful sentences by connecting parts in columns A and B

Column A

  1. Parents feel proud
  2. My teacher checks our
  3. It is your wise decision
  4. It’s bad
  5. My parents visit my school

Column B

to make fun of others.
for parent’s – teacher meetings.

when you get good marks.
and write remarks.
to buy a bicycle for your son.

VI. Let’s listen

Listen and put a tick ( ) against the words that the teacher says

it at
think thank
fun fan
many matches
well wall

VII. Fun time

Let’s sing together

Have you ever heard or sung an English song? Sing with your teacher.

We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome someday

Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall overcome someday

We walk hand in hand
We walk hand in hand
We walk hand in hand someday

Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall overcome someday

We are not afraid
We are not afraid
We are not afraid some day

Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall overcome someday
Teachers can download this and other English songs easily and make
students hear through his/her mobile.