Wake up! Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 8

Wake up! Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 8

Wake up! Wake up!
It’s a lovely day.
Oh! Please get up
And come to play.
The birds are singing in the trees,
And you can hear the buzzing bees.
Wake up! Wake up!
It’s a lovely day.
Oh! Please get up
And come and play.
It’s much too late to lie in bed,
So hurry up, you sleepy head.
Wash and dress
And come on out –
Everyone is up and about.
The cow, the horses, the ducks
And the sheep,
The tiniest chicken
Wake up!
– C. Fletcher

I. New words

wake up, lovely, buzzing, sleepy head, tiniest

II. Read and write

Complete the answers:
(i) By what name does the poet call the child?
The poet calls the child ……………….
(ii) Is it too early for the child to get up?
No, it is too late to …………… in bed.
(iii)Name the animals & birds who are already awake?
The …………………………. are already awake.
(iv)What does the poet ask the child to do before
going out?
The poet asks the child to ………. and ……….
(v) Who are the tiniest ones to get up?
The tiniest ones to get up are the …………..

IV. Vocabulary

(A) Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in the box.
wakes, lovely, hurry, buzzing

  1. You have a _________dress.
  2. I don‖t like the _ sound of bees or dragonflies.
  3. ________up or we will be late.
  4. My grandmother _ me up every day

(B) Match the words and make meaningful instructions:

Get quiet.
Go brave.
Keep hard
Work ready.

(C) Match the meanings with the phrases according to the poem
much too late – someone who is fond of sleeping
come on out – awake and moving
up and about – very late
sleepy head – get up and come out