The Magic Porridge Pot Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 12

The Magic Porridge Pot Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 12

Once, there was a little girl named Tara.
She lived with her mother. They were very poor.
One day she went to a forest. There she met an old woman.
The old woman gave her a pot. She said,
“This is a magic pot. It will cook porridge for you when you say, ―Cook-Pot-Cook”. It will stop making porridge when you say, ―Stop-Pot-Stop.”
Tara was very happy. She ran to her mother and said, “Mother, we will no longer be hungry as I have got a magic pot.”
Tara said to the pot, “Cook-Pot-Cook” and the pot cooked porridge. Her mother was very happy and they both ate porridge.
One day, when Tara had gone out, her mother felt hungry. She said to the pot, “Cook- Pot-Cook.” The pot started cooking porridge.
After eating it her mother said, “Do not cook pot.” But the pot went on cooking.

Soon the porridge started spilling on the floor. Mother called out again,” Wait – do not cook anymore.”
But the pot did not stop.

Mother ran out of the house and porridge followed her.
Soon there was porridge everywhere. The whole village saw it. They ran to eat the porridge. When Tara came back, she saw that the road was full of porridge. She ran home as fast as she could. She heard her mother shout, “Tara the pot is cooking and it will not stop.”

Tara called out, “Stop-Pot-Stop” and it stopped cooking porridge.

-A folk tale

I. New words

magic, cook, porridge, spilling, whole, village

II. Read and write

Answer these questions:

  1. Where did Tara go one day?
  2. What did the old woman give Tara?
  3. What did the magic pot cook?
  4. What did Tara say to the pot to cook porridge?
  5. Who said, “Do not cook pot”?
  6. Why was there so much porridge on the road?
  7. What had Tara to say to stop making porridge?

III. Let’s talk

  1. What do you eat for your breakfast?
  2. Would you like to eat wheat porridge?
  3. Have you seen any magic? Tell us about it.
  4. What do you call magic in your own language?

IV. Listen & recite

Peas porridge hot
Peas porridge cold
Peas porridge in the pot
Nine days old
Some like it hot
Some like it cold
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old

V. Vocabulary

Look at the letters given below and make words starting with them.
k ……………. ……………. …………….
p ……………. ……………. …………….
j ……………. ……………. …………….
t ……………. ……………. …………….
m ……………. ……………. …………….