The fish and the duck Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 3

The fish and the duck Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 3

Miss Bambi, the fish, was merrily swimming with her friends. She saw Sumit sitting on the shore.
His fishing line had a juicy bit of ea thworm on the end. Bambi said to herself, “What a tasty trap”. She went to all the fish and said, “Let go somewhere else or we will be eaten up”. Then she found a shell, a King Shell, and hung it by the hook.

The fish and the duck Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 3

Sumit said, “I think, I have a big fish on my hook. Let me pull it out. What’s this? It is a King Shell, ot a fish. How unlucky I am!”

Bambi had a good laugh. —Ha – Ha – Ha .

Ducky Duck saw Bambi and paddled to her. Ducky Duck said,“ You are very clever, Bambi. Come, be my friend.”

Bambi said, “Thank you, Mr.Ducky Duck. But I think I am too young to play with you. I am also late. must run home.

I. New words

push, shore, sheep, sea, seek, sell, earthworm, shell

II. Read and write

(A) Answer these questions :

  1. What was Sumit doing?
  2. What was Bambi doing?
  3. What did Bambi put on the hook?
  4. Why was Sumit unhappy?
  5. What did Ducky Duck really want?

(B) Who said:

“What a tasty trap”.
“It is a king shell, not a fish. How unlucky I am!”
“You are very clever Bambi. Come, be my friend.”
“But I think I am too young to play with you.”

III. Say aloud

merrily, shore, juicy, earthworm, paddled, shell

IV. Listen and repeat

sea – she, sell – shell, sore – shore, sit – shit

V. Let’s talk

(A) Twist your tongue :

She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

Note: The teacher will help the learners pronounce the
words correctly.

(B) 1. Was Bambi clever? How can you say that?

  1. Did the duck really want her to be his friend?
  2. What would have happened if Bambi had gone to play with the duck?

VI. Vocabulary

(A) Find the correct antonyms from the bracket and write them.

(over, near, push, bottom, young)

  1. top ………………………………
  2. under ………………………………
  3. far ………………………………
  4. old ………………………………
  5. pull ………………………………

(B) Movement of animals :

(swim, fly, crawl, flutter, climb)

  1. snail ……………………..
  2. fish ……………………..
  3. birds ……………………..
  4. monkey ……………………..
  5. butterflies ……………………..

VII. Structures in context

(A) Sort out all proper and common nouns from the lesson and write them in the table.

Proper nounCommon noun

(B) Look at the examples and make exclamatory sentences:

I am very unlucky. How unlucky I am!
He is very clever. How clever he is!
This is a beautiful painting. How beautiful a painting this is!
You are very smart. …………………………………
They are very strong. …………………………………
The book is very interesting. …………………………………

IX. Fun time

(A) Look at the picture and write about the activities you see in it.

The fish and the duck Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 3

(B) Complete the rest of the story with these four words.

tree, mango, parrot, monkey
One day a parrot saw a mango in a tree. The parrot flew
towards the mango. He saw a monkey. The monkey said
to the parrot, “Don‖t touch the mango. It is mine.” The
parrot said, “Brother ………! I am very hungry. Please let
me eat half of the ………..” The ………… agreed. Together
they ate the………….. . Thus the …………… and the
…………….. became friends.