Sattu goes Shopping Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 2

Sattu goes Shopping Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 2

Sattu: Maa, Maa, we have a cricket match today.
May I go out to play?
Mother: You may. You
must finish your
homework first.
Sattu: I have done my
Mother: Then, please
help me with the
shopping. Go to the
market and buy some
sugar, soap, and
vegetables for me.

Sattu goes Shopping Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 2

Here is the shopping list-

sugar1 kilo
soap1 bar
spinach2 kilos
biscuits1 packet
oil1 liter

Raju: Hello Sattu, where are you going?
Sattu: I am going to the market.
Raju: May I come with you?
Sattu: Yes, you may.
Sattu: Uncle, please give me these things.
(Sattu gives the shopping list to the shopkeeper.)
Shopkeeper: Here you are. But I am sorry I don‖t have
biscuits and spinach.

Sattu: Sattu and Raju go to the greengrocer.
Uncle, please give me 2 kilos of spinach.
Shopkeeper: Here you are.
(Sattu and Raju return home)
Sattu: Maa, we bought your things.
Mother: Thank you. Did you get all the things in the
Raju: We couldn‖t get biscuits.
Mother: Where is the spinach?
Sattu: Oh, look at the cow…..

I. New words

greengrocer, spinach, shopping list, buy

II. Read and write

(A) Answer these questions :

  1. Who went to the market?
  2. How much sugar did Sattu buy?
  3. Who ate the spinach?
  4. How many bars of soap did Sattu buy?

(B) Put the events in proper order according to the story:

(i) The cow ate up the spinach.
(ii) Mother gave a shopping list to Sattu.
(iii) Sattu went to the market.
(iv) Sattu gave the shopping list to the shopkeeper.

(v) He bought 2 kilos of spinach.
(vi) Sattu and Raju went to the greengrocer.

III. Say aloud

vegetables, biscuits, spinach, grocer

IV. Let’s talk

(1) Do you go to the market to buy vegetables, fruits, or other things? Tell the class about the vegetables you buy.
(2) Do you go alone or with someone?
(3) Make a list of things you want to buy from the village or city market and read it aloud.

V. Vocabulary

(A) Look up the dictionary and find the differences between the following. Write the meanings in the given space.

(i) a grocer a greengrocer
………………… …………………
………………… …………………
(ii) soap paper soap
………………… …………………
………………… …………………
(iii) ear eardrop
………………… …………………
………………… …………………
(iv) paperweight
………………… …………………
………………… …………………

(B) Separate the things which Mohan will buy in kilos and by count.

match box

(C) Match the columns.

A piece of bananas
A bar of biscuits
A kilo of paper
A dozen of soap
A packet of oil
A liter of sugar

(D) Which of these are countable?

chairs, lemons, paint, tea, cup, bedsheets, water,
water bottle

VI. Structures in context

Use ‘may’ and make five polite requests.

Sattu goes Shopping Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 2