Lesson -21 The Great Sculler

The Great Sculler
The Great Sculler

Reading Comprehension (रीडिंग कॉम्प्रीहेंशन)

[A] Against each sentence given below, write ‘T’ (true), ‘F’ (false) or ‘DK’ (don’t know).
Write ‘DK’ if the lesson does not tell you whether it is true or false:

1. Bobby Pearce’s father was a sculler. (T)
2. Bobby started sculling at a young age. (T)
3. Bobby’s father asked him to take part in the contest for fourteen years old. (F)
4. When he was a 5 years old boy. Bobby completed it at fourteen years old. (T)
5. Bobby Pearce won only one Olympic medal. (T)
6. Bobby’s father was a good sculler.(T)

[B] Answer the following questions:

Q.1. At the sculling club Bobby made a promise. Did he keep it?
Ans. – Yes, he kept his promise.

Q.2. Do you find anything uncommon in Bobby and many successful players? What is it? Ans. Yes, Bobby cared for others. He did not hurt the ducks for winning the Olympic Gold.

Q.3. Who was sculling just behind Bobby Pea- rce?
(बॉबी पियर्स के ठीक पीछे कौन नौकायन कर रहा था ? )
Ans. – Ken Mayers was sculling just behind Bobby Pearce.
बॉबी पियर्स के ठीक पीछे केन मेयर्स नौकायन कर रहा था।

Q. 4. “Bobby Pearce won the race and also the hearts of millions of people.” Does every one who wins a race not win the hearts of people ? Give your opinion.
(“बॉबी पियर्स ने दौड़ और साथ ही लाखों लोगों के दिल जीत लिये” क्या हर कोई जो एक दौड़ जीतता है लोगों के दिल नहीं जीतता ? अपने विचार दीजिए।)
Ans. No everyone who wins a race does not win the hearts of people. For winning the hearts of people one must have human qualities too. (नहीं, हर एक जो दौड़ जीतता है लोगों के दिल नहीं जीतता। लोगों के दिल जीतने के लिए व्यक्ति में मानवीय गुण होने चाहिए।)

Q.5. From the words given below pick up the ones that people said when he did well: Oh no!, Buck up!, Well-done, He has done it, Hurrah!
Ans. Buck up! Well done! He has done it!, Hurrah!

Q.6. Pick up words from the text that people said when Bobby was slowing down. पाठ में उन शब्दों का चयन कीजिए जो लोगों ने तब कहे जब बॉबी धीमा हो गया था।
Ans. The following words were said by people when Bobby was slowing down. (i) Go-Go,
(ii) Bobby, don’t stop or you will lose
(iii) Oh! No.
(vi) Ken Mayers will win, (v) Bobby will lose the gold. .)

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