I am Lucky Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 14

I am Lucky Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 14

Listen and recite
If I were a butterfly
I would be thankful
For my wings.
If I were a myna in a tree
I would be thankful
That I could sing.
If I were a fish in the sea
I would be thankful

That I can wriggle and giggle with glee.
So, I just think I am lucky to be “me”.

Not “you” but “me”
If I were an elephant
I would be thankful
That I can raise my trunk.
If I were a kangaroo
I would try to go
Right up to the moon

If I were an octopus
I would be thankful
For my eight arms
So, I just think I am lucky to be “me.”
Not “you”, but “me.”
What do you think you want to be?
Do you want to be like me?
Or just you? Just you…….

I. New words

butterfly, myna, kangaroo, octopus, arms

II. Read and write

Complete these sentences:

A butterfly
An Elephant
Can wriggle

III. Say aloud

butterfly, thankful, wriggle, giggle, kangaroo, moon, octopus,
arms, just.

IV. Let’s talk

  1. Why do you think the butterfly likes its wings?
  2. What can the myna do?
  3. What can you do-sing/painting/writing…..?
  4. Do you think the fish was really happy to be in the
  5. What are the lucky things that have happened to you?
    Tell your friends in the class.

V. Vocabulary

(A) Fill in the blanks using the hint words given below:
hop, roar, swim, fly

  1. If I were a kangaroo, I would …………… like them.
  2. If I were a tiger, I would ………………. like them.
  3. If I were a fish, I would ……………… like them.
  4. If I were a bird, I would …………….. like them.
    (B) Write five other words similar to the first one and
    use them in your own sentences :
    thank + full = thankful
  5. help + full = helpful
  6. care
  7. beauty
  8. use

VI. Structures in context

Complete the sentences.

  1. If I were the head of the village, I would ……………….
  2. If I ……………………………….. I would fly in the sky.
  3. If I were your brother I would ……………………………
  4. If I were a tree I would ……………………………………..

VII. Let’s Write

Write your answer in five lines.
Why are you thankful to God ?