At the platform Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 5

At the platform Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 5

Tripti, Tara, Rupa, Sneha, Sahil, and Joseph are all at the station. Lata is coming today. Her train is late. It is coming at 10 o‖clock. It is 9 o‖ clock now. So they are on the platform waiting for her.

At the platform Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 5

Tripti: I am hungry. I will eat some samosas. Come, who wants to eat?
Joseph: I am hungry too.
Sahil: Me too.
Tara: This food is not clean. It has dirt on it. Look at all those flies. It would help if you did not eat these. Let’s buy some bananas.
Geeta: I have my tiffin. You can have my idlis and chutney.

All together: Oh, yes that will be great.
Rupa: Oops! I dropped one. I am sorry.
Tripti: Thank you, Geeta. The idlis are delicious. Here comes the train.
Joseph: Look, look, there is Lata.
Lata: Hello! everybody.
Sahil: Her bags are heavy.
Sneha: May I help you?
Lata: Thank you. Yes, please.
Rupa : Welcome, Lata. How are you?
Lata: I am fine. Thank you. Come, let us all go home.

I. New words

station, hungry, clean, dirt, dropped, heavy, please

II. Read and write

Answer these questions:

  1. Who is arriving by train?
  2. When is Lata‖s train coming?
  3. Why is the food on the platform not clean?
  4. How does Sneha help Lata?

III. Say aloud

platform, hungry, dirt, flies, tiffin, dropped, tasty.

V. Let’s talk

  1. Have you ever seen a railway platform?
  2. What different sounds do you hear there?
  3. Recall and repeat the railway announcement if you have ever heard it.

VI. Vocabulary

(A) Complete the sentences with the help of the given words :

hungry, dirt, station, platform

We reached the railway………………………. We did not have
to wait long for the train. It reached the …………………. just
after 10 minutes. I wanted to eat something because I was
………………… So my Papa bought some fruit. He washed
them and said, “Now the fruits are free from ………….. and
flies and you can eat them.” We enjoyed the fruits and the

(B) Write the names of the means of transport

(C) Read the sentences and tick ( ) in the boxes of do’sand don’ts:

Sentences Do’sDon’ts
1 Be rude to others.
2 Say sorry when you hurt someone.
3 Wash your hands before eating
4 Tell a lie.
5 Comb your hair every day.
6 Eat uncovered things.
7 Wish your elders.
8 Hurt birds or animals.

V. Structures in Context

(A) A and an, are articles. They are used before singular countable nouns. ‘a’ is used before nouns beginning with a consonant sound and ‘an’ before nouns beginning with vowel sounds.

  1. …………….. owl 6. …………….. umbrella
  2. …………….. papaya 7. …………….. girl
  3. …………….. flower 8. …………….. ox
  4. …………….. egg 9. …………….. ship
  5. …………….. engine 10. …………….. boy

(B) Fill in the blanks with must, is, are, have, has, doesn’t :

Tripti …. hungry. There …… samosas to eat but Tara
……….. want to eat them. Geeta …… idlis in her tiffin box.
She said,”

(C) Match and join the sentences to make meaningful
expressions :

I dropped the idli.

If you are hungry.
Let’s buy some guavas.

Now, get ready.
You can have my idlis.

Mummy will be waiting for us.
Here comes the train.

I am sorry.
Let us go home.

Fruits are very fresh there.
Write a small paragraph of about 40 words on the following topic with the help of words given in the help box.

At the Railway Platform:

As we reached the ………………, we went to the ………….. to get the …………..first. On the ………….. there was a great rush of ………….. . There were ………….. carrying …………on their head. The …………..were selling their ………. at the top of their voice, “Chai, chai, chai garam, ice-cream, ice-cream, cold drinks, Thanda, samosa garam. We were listening to the We ……. eat clean food only.”

VI. Activity

Listen to the railway announcements carefully and
answer the questions.

„ Train No. 12860, Geetanjali Express scheduled to arrive
on platform number 1 at 3.10 a.m. is running late by 35
„ Train no. 12809, Mumbai-Howrah Mail scheduled to arrive
at 4 pm is running on time. It is going to arrive on platform
no. 2 shortly.
„ Train no. 1046 Shivnath passenger scheduled to arrive at
4.20 pm on platform no. 3 is arriving soon.
„ Train no. 1222, Raipur – Korba Superfast has just arrived
on platform no. 5.
„ Raipur Railway Station welcomes you.
„ Please take care of your luggage.
„ Please do not get down from a moving train.

• Teacher may change the name of trains and numbers.

VII. Listen and repeat

Chuff – Chuff
Puff – Puff
Here comes the train.
The engine is its brain.
Chai – Chai, Chai garam
The vendors run along
Mintu sits at the window
Watching all day long.

VIII. Fun time

If possible, go to the nearest railway station. Listen to the sound and activities you come across there and talk
about it.

At the platform Class 5: Subject- English Lesson 5

IX. Activity – Word ladder

(A) Make a word ladder. Each word you use should start with the last letter of the previous word and each
word on the ladder must have only four letters.

The teacher can give this activity as an individual or group task. First, he may allow the students to consult the textbook of any class with the condition that they must know the meaning of the word they use in the word adder. Ask an individual or a group to present it before the class.

(B) Write the words which are closely related to a railway

For example trains, passengers, berth, coach, ……..………………………………………………………………………