Lesson – 2 The Missing Whistle

The Missing Whistle

After lunch, Piglet went to see Rabbit.“Come in !”, Rabbit called.Piglet tried to go in, but he couldn’t open the door. Piglet pushed and pushed.At last, the door opened and he fell inside.“What a mess !”,he said, looking around. The rabbit was searching through a drawer.“I’ ve lost my whistle, ” he told Piglet. “I … Read more

Lesson 3 Hand Care

Hand Care

” Hand Washing is the best way to control infection.” Discuss The results of a hand-cleansing study established that in many cases, handwashing technique was inadequate. HAND WASH TECHNIQUE Wet hands thoroughly with water. Take one measure of cleanser. Rub hands palm to palm. Right hand over the back of left. Change and repeat Fingers … Read more

Lesson 4 Hard to Believe

Hard to Believe

One morning when Mummy was opening a new packet of detergent powder to wash Monty’s dirty uniform, a small booklet peeped out of it. Mummy handed it to Monty. Monty was very happy to see it. There was a puzzle that she had to solve. The company promised a mystery gift for children who would … Read more

Lesson – 8 A Serious Talk

A Serious Talk

Ah, there is a swing inthe web again. I guesssomeone is in! Oh God, again thecobweb, I’m caught! Good,welcome fly dear, I waswaiting for you While this happened, a lady was cleaning her room. She sucked the spider,the fly and the web all into the vacuum cleaner. Eh, it’s so dark(grgrgr. gr…..). What’s thatnoise? What’s … Read more

Lesson – 10 Our Little River

Our Little River

Our little river twists and turnsIt’s just knee-deep when summer burns,How easy is it then to cross,Cattle and carts just ford across,The banks slope gently, though they’re high,And in the summer, always dry. No dirt no mud: it all so clean,The sand glints with a golden gleam,And to one side, there stands a bedOf ‘Kash’, … Read more