English Section

01. He ______ Football everyday. (Use correct form of the verb)

  • Correct Answer: (d) Plays
  • Explanation: The sentence describes a habitual action (something he does every day). The simple present tense is used for habitual actions, and with the third-person singular subject “He,” the verb takes the “-s” form, becoming “plays.”

02. She is ______ European lady. (Use correct article)

  • Correct Answer: (b) a ( None of the above)
  • Explanation: While “European” starts with a vowel, it’s pronounced with a “y” sound (like “yer-uh-peen”). Because of this consonant sound, we use the article “a” and not “an.”

03. The soldier are not……………. they are brave. (Fill opposite meaning word)

  • Correct Answer: (a) Coward
  • Explanation: The sentence contrasts what soldiers are not with what they are (“brave”). The opposite of “brave” is “coward.”

04. I rich ______ then my sister. (Use word ‘early’)

  • Correct Answer: (c) Earlier
  • Explanation: The sentence is a comparison between “I” and “my sister.” When comparing two things, we use the comparative form of an adverb. The comparative form of “early” is “earlier.”

05. Ashok ______ for Raipur yesterday.

  • Correct Answer: (b) Left
  • Explanation: “Yesterday” indicates a past action. The simple past tense of “leave” is “left.”

Hindi Section

06. पाहन शब्द की तत्सम रूप है- (What is the tatsam form of the word “pahan”?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) पाषाण (pashan)
  • Explanation: “Tatsam” words are Sanskrit words that are used in Hindi in their original form. “Pahan” is a colloquial word, and its tatsam form is “pashan,” meaning stone.

07. कर्मधारय समास है – (Which of the following is a Karmadharaya Samas?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) चन्द्रमुख (chandramukh)
  • Explanation: A Karmadharaya Samas is a compound word where one word is an adjective or describes the other word. In “chandramukh” (moon-face), “Chandra” (moon) is the noun, and “mukh” (face) is described as being like the moon.

08. “झण्डा ऊँचा रहे हमारा में कौन सा रस है? (Which “Rasa” is present in “Jhanda Uncha Rahe Hamara”?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) वीर रस (Veer Ras)
  • Explanation: “Veer Ras” is the रस (Rasa) of heroism and valor. The line “May our flag remain high” evokes feelings of patriotism and courage, thus it contains Veer Ras.

09. “तुम कारे, सुफलक सुत कारे, कारे धुप भँवारे।” में कौन सा अलंकार है? (Which “Alankar” is present in “Tum Kare Suphalk Sut Kare, kare dhup bhavare”?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) यमक शब्दालंकार (Yamak Shabd Alankar)
  • Explanation:यमक (Yamak) Alankar is a figure of speech where a word or phrase is repeated with a different meaning. The words look the same, but their meanings change.
    • In the line “तुम कारे, सुफलक सुत कारे, कारे धुप भँवारे” (“Tum Kare, Suphalk Sut Kare, Kare Dhup Bhanware”), the word “कारे” (kaare) appears multiple times, but with different meanings:
    • तुम कारे: Here, “कारे” likely means “black” or “dark” (referring to the person addressed).
    • सुफलक सुत कारे: Here, “कारे” refers to “did” or “performed,” relating to the action of the son.
    • कारे धुप भँवारे: Here, “कारे” again means “black” or “dark,” referring to the darkness of the smoke.
    • Since the word “कारे” is repeated with different meanings, this is a clear example of Yamak Alankar.

10. शुद्ध वाक्य है – (Which is the correct sentence?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) उन्होंने खाना खा लिया है। (Unhone khana kha liya hai.)
  • Explanation: This sentence is grammatically correct and uses the appropriate honorific form “उन्होंने” (unhone) and the perfective aspect “खा लिया है” (kha liya hai), indicating the action of eating is completed.

Social science Section

11. भारत के पश्चिम मैदान की मुख्य नदी है- (The main river of the western plains of India is-)

  • Correct Answer: (b) व्यास नदी (Vyas River)
  • Explanation: While the other options are important rivers in the region, the Vyas River is a crucial and characteristic river of the western plains, particularly in Punjab.

12. सामान्यतः वायुमण्डल में एक कि.मी. की ऊँचाई चढ़ने पर तापमान में कितनी कमी आती है? (Generally, how much does the temperature decrease when ascending one kilometer in the atmosphere?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 6.5 डिग्री (6.5 degrees)
  • Explanation: This is the standard lapse rate in the troposphere (the lowest layer of the atmosphere). For every kilometer increase in altitude, the temperature drops by approximately 6.5 degrees Celsius.

13. पानी किस तापमान पर बर्फ में परिवर्तित होता है ? (At what temperature does water turn into ice?)

  • Correct Answer: (d) 32°F (0°C)
  • Explanation: While the question uses Fahrenheit, it’s important to know the equivalent Celsius value. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, which is equal to 0 degrees Celsius.

14. गाँधी सागर बाँध किस नदी पर स्थित है? (The Gandhi Sagar Dam is located on which river?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) चंबल नदी (Chambal River)
  • Explanation: The Gandhi Sagar Dam is one of the major dams built on the Chambal River in Madhya Pradesh.

15. कोडार बाँध स्थित है- (The Kodar Dam is located in-)

  • Correct Answer: (b) छत्तीसगढ़ (Chhattisgarh)
  • Explanation: The Kodar Dam, also known as the Mahendra Sagar Dam, is located in Chhattisgarh, India.

16. किसी राष्ट्र के लिये सबसे महत्वपूर्ण विषय है – (The most important subject for a nation is-)

  • Correct Answer: (a) अर्थव्यवस्था (Economy)
  • Explanation: While all options are important, a strong economy is foundational for a nation to address other issues like health, security, and education. A healthy economy enables investment and progress in all other sectors.

17. छत्तीसगढ़ से लोकसभा में सांसदों की संख्या कितनी है- (What is the number of Lok Sabha members from Chhattisgarh?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) 11
  • Explanation: Chhattisgarh has 11 seats in the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian Parliament).

18. संविधान हमें मूलभुत अधिकार प्रदान करती है – (The Constitution provides us with fundamental rights-)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 6
  • Explanation: The Indian Constitution originally guaranteed seven fundamental rights, but the right to property was removed. Currently, there are six fundamental rights.

19. विश्व प्रसिद्ध शिव मंदिर छत्तीसगढ़ में कहाँ स्थित है ? (Where is the world-famous Shiva temple located in Chhattisgarh?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) सिरपुर (Sirpur)
  • Explanation: The reference is likely to the Lakshman Temple in Sirpur, which, while dedicated to Vishnu, is renowned for its intricate architecture and is often associated with Shiva due to the presence of Shaivite sculptures and the overall religious significance of the site. While Barsur also has historical temples, Sirpur’s is more widely recognized.

20. करो या मरो का नारा किसने दिया था ? (Who gave the slogan “Do or Die”? )

  • Correct Answer: (d) महात्मा गाँधी (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • Explanation: Mahatma Gandhi gave the “Do or Die” slogan during the Quit India Movement in 1942, urging Indians to take decisive action for independence.

Science Section

21. शुष्क बर्फ होता है – (Dry ice is -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) ठोस CO₂ (Solid CO2)
  • Explanation: Dry ice is solidified carbon dioxide. It sublimes (transitions directly from solid to gas) at room temperature, which is why it’s called “dry.”

22. सौर परिवार का सदस्य नहीं है- (Who is not a member of the solar family?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) तारागुच्छ (Star cluster)
  • Explanation: Planets, asteroids (ग्रहिकाएँ), and comets are all part of our solar system. A star cluster is a group of stars, but it is not gravitationally bound to our Sun and is far outside our solar system.

23. पौधों की वृद्धि के लिए कौन सी मिट्टी उपयुक्त है? (Which soil is suitable for plant growth?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) डोमट मिट्टी (Loam soil)
  • Explanation: Loam soil is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay that provides a good balance of drainage, water retention, and air circulation, making it ideal for plant growth.

24. पारे के स्तंभ का कौन सा मान, मानक वायुमण्डलीय दाब को दर्शाता है ? (Which value of the mercury column represents standard atmospheric pressure?)

  • Correct Answer: (d) 76 सेमी. (76 cm)
  • Explanation: Standard atmospheric pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76 centimeters high.

25. उत्कृष्ट धातुएँ होती हैं- (Noble metals are -)

  • Correct Answer: (b) निष्क्रिय (Inactive/inert)
  • Explanation: Noble metals, like gold and platinum, are known for their inertness or lack of chemical reactivity. They don’t readily form compounds with other elements.

26. अपरूपता पाई जाती है- (Allotropy is found in -)

  • Correct Answer: (a) तत्व में (Elements)
  • Explanation: Allotropy is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms, in the same physical state. For example, carbon can exist as diamond, graphite, and fullerene.

27. प्रोकैरियॉटिक कोशिका का उदाहरण है- (An example of a prokaryotic cell is -)

  • Correct Answer: (d) नील-हरित शैवाल (Blue-green algae/cyanobacteria)
  • Explanation: Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are examples of prokaryotic organisms. The other options are examples of eukaryotic organisms, which have a true nucleus.

28. कोशिका की खोज की थी- (Who discovered the cell?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) राबर्ट हुक (Robert Hooke)
  • Explanation: Robert Hooke is credited with discovering cells in 1665 while examining cork under a microscope.

29. कुकुरमुत्ता है – (Mushroom is a -)

  • Correct Answer: (d) कवक (Fungi)
  • Explanation: Mushrooms are a type of fungi, a kingdom of eukaryotic organisms that includes yeasts, molds, and mushrooms.

30. मलेरिया रोग उत्पन्न करने वाला रोगाणु है – (The pathogen that causes malaria is a -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) प्रोटोजोआ (Protozoa)
  • Explanation: Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites of the Plasmodium genus, which are transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.

31. काँच का अपवर्तनांक होता है- (The refractive index of glass is -)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 1.5 (approximately)
  • Explanation: The refractive index of glass varies slightly depending on the type of glass, but it’s typically around 1.5.

32. उत्तल लैंस द्वारा बनने वाले प्रतिबिम्ब की स्थिति क्या होगी जब वस्तु 2F पर हो – (What will be the position of the image formed by a convex lens when the object is at 2F?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 2F
  • Explanation: When an object is placed at 2F (twice the focal length) in front of a convex lens, the image is also formed at 2F on the other side of the lens. The image will be real, inverted, and of the same size as the object.

33. प्राकृतिक चुंबक है – (A natural magnet is -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) लोड स्टोन (Lodestone)
  • Explanation: Lodestone is a naturally magnetized form of the mineral magnetite (Fe3O4). It was one of the first known magnetic materials.

34. स्थाई चुम्बक बनाए जाते हैं निम्नांकित पदार्थ से – (Permanent magnets are made from which of the following materials?)

  • Correct Answer: (d) एलिन्को (Alnico)
  • Explanation: Alnico is a family of iron alloys which, in addition to iron, contain aluminum, nickel, and cobalt. They are known for their strong magnetic properties and are commonly used to make permanent magnets.

35. किसी चुंबक का चुंबकत्व – (The magnetism of a magnet -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) उपर्युक्त दोनों कथन सत्य हैं (Both the above statements are true)
  • Explanation: The magnetic field of a magnet is strongest at its poles and weakest at the center.

36. सरल वोल्टीय सेल में विद्युत अपघट्य होता है- (The electrolyte in a simple voltaic cell is -)

  • Correct Answer: (a) तनु सल्फ्यूरिक अम्ल (Dilute sulfuric acid)
  • Explanation: A simple voltaic cell typically uses dilute sulfuric acid as the electrolyte.

37. निम्नांकित विद्युत् सुचालक नहीं है- (Which of the following is not a conductor of electricity?)

  • Correct Answer: (d) काँच (Glass)
  • Explanation: Glass is a poor conductor of electricity, making it an insulator. Copper, brass, and graphite are all good conductors.

38. जनित्र किस सिद्धांत पर कार्य करता है- (On what principle does a generator work?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) विद्युत् चुंबकीय प्रेरण (Electromagnetic induction)
  • Explanation: Generators operate based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, which states that a changing magnetic field linked with a conductor induces an electromotive force (voltage) in the conductor.

39. निम्न में से अनवीकरणीय ऊर्जा का स्वोत है- (Which of the following is a non-renewable energy source?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) पेट्रोलियम (Petroleum)
  • Explanation: Petroleum is a fossil fuel, formed over millions of years. It’s considered non-renewable because its rate of formation is far slower than its rate of consumption. Wind, tidal, and solar energy are renewable.

40. सौर सेल बने होते हैं- (Solar cells are made of-)

  • Correct Answer: (d) सिलिकॉन से (Silicon)
  • Explanation: Silicon is a semiconductor material widely used in solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity.

41. बैटरी से प्राप्त होने वाली ऊर्जा है – (The energy obtained from a battery is-)

  • Correct Answer: (a) रासायनिक ऊर्जा (Chemical energy)
  • Explanation: Batteries store energy in chemical form. When the battery is connected to a circuit, the chemical reactions release electrical energy.

42. पेट्रोलियम का उत्पाद नहीं है- (Which of the following is not a product of petroleum?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) बायोडीजल (Biodiesel)
  • Explanation: Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled grease. While it can be used in diesel engines, it’s not a product of crude oil refining. Petrol, kerosene, and diesel are all derived from petroleum.

43. पशुओं के मलमूत्र तथा पेड़ पौधे के अपघटन से प्राप्त कार्बनिक पदार्थ कहलाते हैं – (Organic matter obtained from the decomposition of animal excrement and plant material is called-)

  • Correct Answer: (b) खाद (Manure)
  • Explanation: Manure is organic matter used as fertilizer. It’s derived from animal waste and plant material.

44. निम्नलिखित में से किस मशीन का उपयोग फसल कटाई एवं गहाई दोनों कार्यों के लिए किया जाता है ? (Which of the following machines is used for both harvesting and threshing crops?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) कंबाईन (Combine harvester)
  • Explanation: A combine harvester is a machine that harvests crops (cutting and gathering) and threshes them (separating the grains from the straw) in a single operation.

45. बी. सी. जी. के टीके का उपयोग किस रोग के लिए होता है? (The BCG vaccine is used for which disease?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) ट्यूबरकुलोसिस (Tuberculosis)
  • Explanation: The Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is primarily used to prevent tuberculosis (TB).

46. निम्न में से कौन-सा जीवाणु जनित रोग है? (Which of the following is a bacterial disease?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) टाइफाइड (Typhoid)
  • Explanation: Typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. Chickenpox is caused by a virus, rabies by a virus, and influenza is also a viral illness.

47. प्रोटोजोआ से होने वाले संक्रामक रोग हैं- (Which of the following are infectious diseases caused by protozoa?)

  • Correct Answer: (d) उपर्युक्त सभी (All of the above)
  • Explanation: Dysentery, malaria, and diarrhea can all be caused by protozoan infections.

48. कौन सा शैवाल काँच एवं पोर्सलिन बनाने के काम आता है- (Which algae is used to make glass and porcelain?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) डायटॉम (Diatoms)
  • Explanation: Diatoms have silica cell walls (frustules) that are very strong and have unique patterns. These frustules are used in various applications, including the production of some types of glass and porcelain, as filtering agents, and as mild abrasives.

49. सल्फर के ऑक्साइड (जो आगे ऑक्सीकृत किये जा सकते हैं) जब जल में घुलते हैं तब देते हैं – (When sulfur oxides (which can be further oxidized) dissolve in water, they give -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) H₂SO₄ (Sulfuric acid)
  • Explanation: Sulfur dioxide (SO₂) is released from burning fossil fuels. In the atmosphere, it can be oxidized to sulfur trioxide (SO₃), which then reacts with water to form sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄), a major component of acid rain. SO₂ + H₂O → H₂SO₃ (Sulfurous acid) which is further oxidized to H₂SO₄.

50. कॉयर किस पेड़ से प्राप्त किया जाता है? (Coir is obtained from which tree?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) नारियल (Coconut)
  • Explanation: Coir is a natural fiber extracted from the husk of coconuts.

51. सेल निम्नांकित ऊर्जा में परिवर्तित करता है- (A cell converts the following energy into-)

  • Correct Answer: (b) रासायनिक (Chemical)
  • Explanation: A cell (battery) converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

52. निम्नांकित में से कौन सी विधि भूमि की उर्वरता बनाए रखने की विधि नहीं है ? (Which of the following is not a method to maintain soil fertility?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) निंदाई (Weeding)
  • Explanation: Weeding is the removal of unwanted plants, primarily to prevent them from competing with the main crop for resources. While important for healthy growth, it doesn’t directly contribute to building soil fertility. Crop rotation, mixed cropping, and fallowing are all methods that help to replenish soil nutrients and improve its structure.

53. ड्यूटान है – (Dutan is a -)

  • Correct Answer: (b) संश्लेषित रेशा (Synthetic fiber)
  • Explanation: Dutan appears to be a brand or type of synthetic fiber, likely a variation of spandex or elastane, known for its elasticity.

54. मानव शरीर में एच.आई.वी. प्रवेश कर नष्ट करता है- (HIV, upon entering the human body, destroys-)

  • Correct Answer: (b) W.B.C. (White Blood Cells)
  • Explanation: HIV specifically targets and destroys CD4+ T helper cells, which are a type of white blood cell crucial for the immune system’s function. This destruction leads to a weakened immune system, making individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections.

55. ओ. पी. वी. का पूरा नाम क्या है? (What is the full name of OPV?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) ओरल पोलियो वैक्सीन (Oral Polio Vaccine)
  • Explanation: OPV stands for Oral Polio Vaccine, a vaccine used to immunize against polio.

56. NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H₂O

  • Correct Answer: (c) उदासीकरण अभिक्रिया (Neutralization reaction)
  • Explanation: This is a neutralization reaction. A base (NaOH) reacts with an acid (HCl) to form a salt (NaCl) and water (H₂O).

57. किसी तत्व का ऑक्सीजन से संयोग कहलाता है – (The combination of an element with oxygen is called -)

  • Correct Answer: (b) ऑक्सीकरण (Oxidation)
  • Explanation: Oxidation is a chemical reaction that involves the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state. Often, it involves the combination of a substance with oxygen.

58. कौन सी संरचना जंतु तथा वनस्पति कोशिकाओं में पायी जाती है- (Which structure is found in both animal and plant cells?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) कोशिका झिल्ली तथा केन्द्रक (Cell membrane and nucleus)
  • Explanation: Both animal and plant cells have a cell membrane (plasma membrane) and a nucleus. Cell walls and chloroplasts are unique to plant cells.

59. वायु का वास्तविक संघटन है – (The actual composition of air is -)

  • Correct Answer: (a) N-78%, O-21%, Ar-0.9%, CO₂-0.03% जलवाष्प-0.04% एवं गैस व धूल के कण
  • Explanation: This option correctly lists the approximate percentages of the major components of dry air: Nitrogen (N₂) ~78%, Oxygen (O₂) ~21%, Argon (Ar) ~0.9%, Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) ~0.03%, along with variable amounts of water vapor and trace gases/dust particles.

60. धातुएँ अम्ल से क्रिया करके कौन सा गैस बनाती है? (Which gas is produced when metals react with acids?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) H₂ (Hydrogen)
  • Explanation: Many metals react with acids to produce hydrogen gas (H₂). This is a common chemical reaction.

Maths Section

61. निम्न संख्याओं में से कौन सी संख्या पूर्ण घन है? (Which of the following numbers is a perfect cube?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 2744
  • Explanation: 2744 is the perfect cube of 14 (14 x 14 x 14 = 2744).

62. दिए गए श्रेणी 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 में अगली संख्या क्या होगी ? (What will be the next number in the given series 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 19
  • Explanation: The series consists of prime numbers. The next prime number after 17 is 19.

63. 625 का वर्गमूल क्या होगा? (What is the square root of 625?)

  • Correct Answer: (c) 25
  • Explanation: The square root of 625 is 25 because 25 * 25 = 625.

64. निम्न का बहुलक क्या होगा – 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 3, 3, 4, 3, 5, 3 (What is the mode of the following data: 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 3, 3, 4, 3, 5, 3)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 3
  • Explanation: The mode is the number that appears most frequently in a set of data. In this case, 3 appears five times, which is more frequent than any other number.

65. समांतर चतुर्भुज का क्षेत्रफल ज्ञात कीजिए आधार 15 सेमी., एवं ऊँचाई 10 सेमी. (Find the area of a parallelogram with base 15 cm and height 10 cm.)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 150 sq.cm
  • Explanation: The area of a parallelogram is calculated by multiplying the base by the height: Area = base * height = 15 cm * 10 cm = 150 sq.cm.

66. वृत्त की सबसे लंबी जीवा कहलाती है – (The longest chord of a circle is called the -)

  • Correct Answer: (b) व्यास (Diameter)
  • Explanation: The diameter is the longest chord of a circle and passes through the center.

67. अर्द्धवृत्त का क्षेत्रफल होगा – (The area of a semicircle will be -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) pi r2/2
  • Explanation: The area of a circle is pi r2, where r is the radius. A semicircle is half of a circle, so its area is half of the circle’s area: pi r2/2.

68. यदि ((a+b)(a2 – ab + b2)) बराबर है- (If (a+b)(a2 – ab + b2) is equal to-)

  • Correct Answer: (a) (a3 + b3)
  • Explanation: This is a standard algebraic identity: (a+b)(a2 – ab + b2) = (a3 + b3)

69. (am /an) बराबर है- (am /an) is equal to-)

  • Correct Answer: (d) (am-n)
  • Explanation: Using the rules of exponents:

70. x का (a+b) का गुणनफल होगा – (The product of x and (a+b) will be -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) (ax + bx)
  • Explanation: Using the distributive property, x is multiplied by both a and b: (x(a+b) = ax + bx)

71. दिए गए आँकड़ों का माध्यिका होगा – 4, 5, 10, 7, 14, 9, 15 (What will be the median of the given data: 4, 5, 10, 7, 14, 9, 15)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 7
  • Explanation: To find the median, first arrange the data in ascending order: 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15. The median is the middle value. In this case, it is 9. My apologies for the error in the previous response. I have corrected it here.

72. 20a²b and abc का महत्तम समापवर्तक होगा – (The greatest common factor of 20a²b and abc will be -)

  • Correct Answer: (b) ab
  • Explanation: The greatest common factor (GCF) is the largest factor that divides two numbers or terms. The factors present in both terms are ‘a’ and ‘b’.

73. उस न्यूनतम संख्या को ज्ञात करो जिसे 200 से गुणा करने पर वह संख्या पूर्ण वर्ग बन जाये ? (Find the smallest number which when multiplied by 200 will make the number a perfect square?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 2
  • Explanation: Prime factorize 200: 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5. To make it a perfect square, each factor needs to be in pairs. We need one more 2. So, multiplying by 2 gives 400 (20 x 20).

74. (18x²y + 6xy) का मान ज्ञात कीजिए – (Find the value of (18x²y + 6xy))

  • Correct Answer: (b) +3xy
  • Explanation: This question seems to be missing information. It likely intends to ask to factorize the expression or divide it by a common factor.
    • Factorizing: 6xy(3x + 1)
    • Dividing by 6xy: 3x + 1
    • If it’s a simplification of a fraction: If the expression was part of a fraction like (18x²y + 6xy) / 6xy, then the answer would simplify to 3x + 1. Without additional context, “+3xy” doesn’t make sense as a direct answer.

75. निम्न आँकड़ों का माध्य ज्ञात करो 81, 74, 69, 73, 91, 55, 61 (Find the mean of the following data 81, 74, 69, 73, 91, 55, 61)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 72
  • Explanation: The mean is the sum of all values divided by the number of values. (81+74+69+73+91+55+61) / 7 = 504 / 7 = 72

76. उस समलंब चतुर्भुज का क्षेत्रफल ज्ञात करो जिसका विकर्ण 24 सेमी. एवं 10 सेमी. हो- (Find the area of the trapezium whose diagonals are 24 cm and 10 cm)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 120 sq.cm
  • Explanation: The area of a trapezium when diagonals are given is: Area = (1/2) * d1 * d2 where d1 and d2 are the diagonals. Area = (1/2) * 24 cm * 10 cm = 120 sq.cm.

77. दो संख्याओं का योगफल 42 है, यदि दूसरी संख्या पहली की दुगुनी हो, तो वह संख्या ज्ञात करो – (The sum of two numbers is 42, if the second number is twice the first, then find the numbers.)

  • Correct Answer: (c) 28
  • Explanation: Let the first number be x. The second is 2x. x + 2x = 42 => 3x = 42 => x = 14. The numbers are 14 and 28.

78. 4000 रुपये का चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज 2 वर्ष के लिए 5 प्रतिशत की दर पर ज्ञात करो – (Find the compound interest on Rs. 4000 for 2 years at a rate of 5 percent.)

  • Correct Answer: (c) Rs. 410
  • Explanation:
    • Year 1 interest: 4000 * 0.05 = 200
    • Amount after Year 1: 4000 + 200 = 4200
    • Year 2 interest: 4200 * 0.05 = 210
    • Total interest: 200 + 210 = 410

79. उस समांतर चतुर्भुज का क्षेत्रफल ज्ञात करो जिसका आधार 4 सेमी. तथा अभिलंब 7 सेमी. है- (Find the area of the parallelogram whose base is 4 cm and height is 7 cm.)

  • Correct Answer: (d) 28 cm²
  • Explanation: Area of a parallelogram = base * height = 4 cm * 7 cm = 28 cm²

80. संख्या 5/6 के हर से क्या घटाई जाये कि 1 प्राप्त हो ? (What should be subtracted from the denominator of the number 5/6 to get 1?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 1
  • Explanation: Let x be subtracted from the denominator.
    • 5 / (6 – x) = 1
    • 5 = 6 – x
    • x = 6 – 5
    • x = 1

81. यदि एक बैग में 6 सफेद, 11 लाल तथा 7 नीले गेंद हो तब बैग से सफेद गेंद निकालने की प्रायिकता क्या होगी ? (If a bag contains 6 white, 11 red, and 7 blue balls, what is the probability of drawing a white ball from the bag?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 6/24 or 1/4
  • Explanation: Probability = (Number of favorable outcomes) / (Total number of possible outcomes). There are 6 white balls and a total of 6 + 11 + 7 = 24 balls. Therefore, the probability of drawing a white ball is 6/24, which simplifies to 1/4.

82. समानान्तर चतुर्भुज का एक कोण यदि 60 डिग्री हो, तो उसके सम्मुख कोण का मान क्या होगा ? (If one angle of a parallelogram is 60 degrees, what will be the value of its opposite angle?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 60°
  • Explanation: In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal.

83. यदि 2x = 10 हो, तब x का मान क्या होगा ? (If 2x = 10, then what will be the value of x?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 5
  • Explanation: Divide both sides of the equation by 2: x = 10 / 2 = 5.

84. यदि किसी भिन्न संख्या का अंश उसके हर से 3 कम हो, तब वह भिन्न संख्या क्या होगी ? (If the numerator of a fraction is 3 less than its denominator, then what will be the fraction?)

  • Correct Answer: (a) (x-3)/x
  • Explanation: Let the denominator be x. The numerator is x – 3. The fraction is (x – 3) / x.

85. किसी बहुभुज क्षेत्र के समस्त अंतः कोणों का योग का मान कितना होता है ? (What is the sum of all interior angles of a polygon?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) (n-2) x 180°
  • Explanation: The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is given by the formula (n – 2) * 180°.

86. किसी बेलन का आधार होता है- (The base of a cylinder is- )

  • Correct Answer: (d) वृत्ताकार (Circular)
  • Explanation: The bases (top and bottom) of a cylinder are circles.

87. यदि 10a – 12b² = 2(………… – 6b²) (If 10a – 12b² = 2(………… – 6b²))

  • Correct Answer: (b) 5a
  • Explanation: Divide the entire equation by 2: 5a – 6b² = (5a – 6b²).

88. एक ठोस लोहे की सरिया बनाने के लिए कितने लोहे की आवश्यकता होगी, जबकि छड़ का व्यास 1.4 सेमी. और उसकी लंबाई 90 सेमी. हो – (How much iron will be needed to make a solid iron rod, if the diameter of the rod is 1.4 cm and its length is 90 cm?)

  • Correct Answer: (b) 138.60
  • Explanation:
    • Radius of the rod (r) = diameter / 2 = 1.4 cm / 2 = 0.7 cm
    • Volume of the cylindrical rod = πr²h = π * (0.7 cm)² * 90 cm ≈ 138.54 cm³ (using π ≈ 3.14159)
    • The closest answer is 138.60.

89. 8, 5, x, 6, 10, 5 का माध्य 7 है, तब x का मान क्या होगा ? (The mean of 8, 5, x, 6, 10, 5 is 7, then what will be the value of x?)

  • Correct Answer: (d) 8
  • Explanation: The sum of the numbers is 8 + 5 + x + 6 + 10 + 5 = 34 + x. There are 6 numbers, and their mean is 7. So, (34 + x) / 6 = 7. Solving for x, we get x = 8.

90. (9/16)2 का सरल रूप होगा – (The simplified form of (9/16)2 will be -)

  • Correct Answer: (d) 81/256
  • Explanation: (9/16)2 = 81/256

91. किसी भिन्न का अंश उसके हर से 3 अधिक है, यदि भिन्न का अंश 8 हो, तो भिन्न क्या होगा ? (The numerator of a fraction is 3 more than its denominator. If the numerator of the fraction is 8, then what will be the fraction?)

  • Correct Answer: (d) 8/5
  • Explanation: If the numerator is 8, and it’s 3 more than the denominator, then the denominator is 8 – 3 = 5. The fraction is 8/5.

92. एक घुड़दौड़ प्रतियोगिता में कुल 5 प्रतिभागी है, उनके जीतने की संभावना ज्ञात कीजिए – (There are a total of 5 participants in a horse race competition, find the probability of their winning -)

  • Correct Answer: (a) 1/5
  • Explanation: Assuming each participant has an equal chance of winning, the probability of one specific participant winning is 1 out of 5, or 1/5.

93. दिए गए समीकरण में m का मान ज्ञात करो (Find the value of m in the given equation)

(7m + 3) / (4m + 2) = 2

  • Correct Answer: (b) m = -1
  • Explanation:
    1. Multiply both sides by (4m + 2): 7m + 3 = 2(4m + 2)
    2. Distribute: 7m + 3 = 8m + 4
    3. Subtract 7m from both sides: 3 = m + 4
    4. Subtract 4 from both sides: m = -1

94. (5²)6.4 का मान होगा (The value of (5²)6.4 will be)

  • Correct Answer: (d)(5²)12.8
  • Explanation: Using the rule (am)n = a(mn), we get (5²)6.4 = = 512.8

95. सरल कीजिए जब (x⁻¹ + y⁻¹)⁻¹ बराबर है- (Simplify when (x⁻¹ + y⁻¹)⁻¹ is equal to-)

  • Correct Answer: (b) xy / (x + y)
  • Explanation:
    1. Rewrite with positive exponents: (1/x + 1/y)⁻¹
    2. Find a common denominator: ((y + x) / xy)⁻¹
    3. Take the reciprocal: xy / (x + y)

96. 5⁴ × (-5)² का मान कितना होगा – (What will be the value of 5⁴ × (-5)² -)

  • Correct Answer: (d) 5⁶
  • Explanation: (-5)² = 25 = 5². So, 5⁴ × (-5)² = 5⁴ × 5² = 5(4+2) = 5⁶

97. बेलन का वक्रपृष्ठ होगा- (The curved surface of a cylinder will be-)

  • Correct Answer: (c) 2πrh
  • Explanation: The curved surface area of a cylinder is given by the formula 2πrh, where r is the radius and h is the height.

98. छूट हमेशा दी जाती है- (Discount is always given on-)

  • Correct Answer: (a) अंकित मूल्य (Marked Price)
  • Explanation: Discounts are always calculated and applied to the marked price (also known as the list price or retail price).

99. यदि 3(x+y) = 243 और 3(x+y) = 27 तब x का मान क्या होगा – (If 3(x+y) = 243 and 3(x+y) = 27, then what will be the value of x -)

  • Correct Answer: (c) 4
  • Explanation:
    1. Rewrite the equations with base 3: 3(x+y) = 3⁵ and 3(x+y) = 3³
    2. Equate the exponents: x + y = 5 and x – y = 3
    3. Add the two equations: 2x = 8
    4. Solve for x: x = 4

100. अर्द्धवृत्त द्वारा बनाया गया कोण होता है- (The angle made by a semicircle is-)

  • Correct Answer: (a) समकोण (Right angle)
  • Explanation: An angle inscribed in a semicircle is always a right angle (90 degrees).
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