Lesson – 13 Only God Can Make a Tree

Only God Can Make a Tree

Reading Comprehension [A] Put a tickmark on the correct alternative: (I) Who is ‘I’ in the poem?(a) tree (c) poet (b) women (d) bird (ii) The tree is like:(a) a mother (b) a child (c) God (d) The Earth The tree is fed by:(a) another tree (b) Mother Earth (c) God (d) the Robin (iv) […]

Lesson – 14 The Angel of Peace

Only God Can Make a Tree

[A] Answer the following questions:Q.1. How did the charity home celebrate Christmas every year? Ans. Every year charity home celebrates Christ – mas in the form of a party with children Q.2. What did the man hand over to the Mother? Ans. The man handed over an envelope to the Mother in which there were […]

Lesson – 15 The Glorious Whitewasher

The Glorious Whitewasher

Q.1. What was the name of the town? Ans. The name of the town was Cardiff Hill. Q.2. What was the work allotted to Tom? Ans. Tom was allotted the work of white washing the fence: Q.3. Where was Jim going? Ans. Jim was going to bring water from the town pump. Q.4. Who were […]

संघ कॉर्डेटा के लक्षण

कॉर्डेटा संघ के अन्तर्गत कशेरुक दण्डयुक्त अत्यधिक विकसित बहुकोशिकीय जीवों को सम्मिलित किया गया है। इन जन्तुओं के जीवन-चक्र की किसी न किसी अवस्था में शरीर के पृष्ठ भाग में एक खोखली पृष्ठ तंत्रिका रज्जू (Dorsal tubular nerve cord) एवं एक नोटोकॉर्ड (Notocord) अवश्य पाया जाता है। संघ कॉर्डेटा के लक्षण कॉर्डेटा संघ के जन्तुओं […]